Windward Community Development District Engineer's Report for Capital Improvements Windward Community Development District ENGINEER'S REPORT FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Osceola County, Florida Prepared For: Windward Community Development District Date: April 27, 2017 2602 East LMngstlJU Street I Odautlo, Fbrfda 32803 ITek 4ll7.487.2594 I Fax: 4ll7.487.2594 I www.poulosandbellDett.eoDt FBPE Certificate of Authorizatiou No. 28567 .,\2015\1.>-114 khov Illl'sticdune.\pm\cdd\2017~27 r.ddengineersreportdocx Page 2 of 12 Windward Community Development District Engineer's Report for Capital Improvements Section 1 Section 2 SectionJ Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 SectionS Section 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Location & General Description 1.3 District Purpose and Scope 1.4 Description of Land Use GovernmentActions Infrastructure Benefit Capital Improvement Plan Description ofCapitalImprovement Plan 5.1 Roadway Improvements 5.2 Stormwater Management 5.3 lOO·Yearfloodplain 5.4 Master Infrastructure 5.4.1 Primary Roadways 5.4.2 Potable Water Distribution System 5.4.3 Reclaimed Water Distribution System 5.4.4 Wastewater System 5.4.5 Landscape and Hardscape 5.4.6 Electrical Distribution and Street Lighting 5.5 Professional and Inspection Fees Ownership & Maintenance Roadway Rights-of-Way, Stormwater Management Ponds & Other Open Spaces Estimate ofProbable Capital Improvement Costs Conclusions andSummary Opinion z:\2015\15·114khovmysticdune,\pm\cdd\2017.04-·27cddengineersrepondocx Page3of12 Windward Community Development District Engineer's Report for Capital Improvements Appendices Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit.1 Exhibit 4 ExhibitS Exhibit 6 Exhibit? Exhibit 8 Exhibit 9 Exhibit 10 Exhibit 11 Exhibit 12 Exhibit 1.1 Location Map VicinityMap District Boundary Map/ Sketch &-Legal Description of District Boundary Ialovnanian Owned Property andMystic Dunes OwnedProperty Map Post-DevelopmentBasin Map FEMA 100-Year Floodplain Parable WaterDistribution System Map Reclaimed WaterDistribution System Map Wastewater System Map Future Land Use Plan Future Public &-Private Uses within CDD Estimate ofProbable Capital Improvement Costs Conceptual Site Plans with AssessmentArea Exhibit z;\2015\1>114 kho" mysticdunes\pm\cdd\2017·04.27 cdd engin=o " ..port.docx Page 4 of12 Windward Community Development District Engineer's Report for Capital Improvements Sectiolll Introduction 1.1. Background The Engineer's Report for Capital Improvements (the "Report") for the Windward Community Development District (the "District") has been prepared to assist with fmancing and construction of the capital improvements contemplated to be constructed, acquired and/or installed within the District or outside of the District (the "Capital Improvement Plan") pursuant to requirements of Osceola County, Florida. Capital Improvements reflected in the Report represent the current Capital Improvement Plan for the District. Many of the necessary regulatory approvals have been obtained for the Development (hereinafter defined). TIle remaining permits necessary to complete the Development are expected to be obtained during the normal design and permitting processes. We are confident that the balance of the required permits are obtainable as needed. For reference, a permit matrix for the Development is included herein. The implementation of any improvements discussed in this plan requires the final approval by many regulatory and pennitring agencies as outlined in Section 2 below. This report, therefore, may be amended from time to time. Cost Estimates contained in this report have been prepared based on the best available information at this rime. The actual costs of construction, fmal engineering design, planning, approvals and permitting may vary from the cost estimates presented. 1.2. Location and GeneralDescription The Four Seasons at Orl.ando property (the "Development'') is part of the Mystic Dunes DRI/PD located within Section 15, Township 2S South, Range 27 East, Osceola County, Florida. The developer of the development is K. Hovnanian at Mystic Dunes, LLC (the "Developer"), The overall Mystic Dunes DRI/PD includes approximately 606 acres, which is subdivided into Parcels A, D, C, D, E, F, G, H, I,J, K, L, M, N, and 0, together with Conservation Areas, an 18 hole golf course, roadways, Clubhouse, Recreation area, and Sales Center. The northern portion of the overall Mystic Dunes DRI/PD has been developed with Timeshare Resort units, and an 18 golf course has been constructed throughout tile development. The Development is located east of SR 429, north of Sand Hill Road and west of Old Lake Wilson Road. (See Exhibits 1 and 2). Zoning for the Development was approved by Osceola County as revised on December 12,2016. The Windward Community Development District (the "District") encompasses tile Development and includes approximately 128 acres (see Exhibits 3 and 10). 1.3. District Purpose and Scope The District was established for the. purpose of financing, acquu:Ing or constructing, maintaining and operating a portion of tile public infrastructure necessary for community development within the District. The purpose of this report is to provide a description of the public infrastructure improvements to be financed by the District. The District will finance, acquire and/or, construct, operate, and maintain certain public infrastructure improvements that are needed to serve the Development A portion of the infrastructure improvements will be financed with tile proceeds of bonds issued by the District. The proposed public infrastructure improvements, as outlined herein, arc necessary for the development of the District as required br the applicable independent unit oflocal government. 1.4. Description ofLand Use z:\2015\ 15-1J4khovIllYsticdWlel;\pm\cdd\2017·04-27cddengineersrepo114 kbov mysticuul'le,\pm\cdd\2017-D4-27 cdc! engincen report.docx Page 8 of12 Windward Community Development District Engineer's Report for Capital Improvements 5.4.3 Reclaimed Water Distribution System The District will fund the construction of the reclaimed water distribution system within the District and those portions required to connect to existing or proposed offsite facilities. The reclaimed water system will be conveyed to, and owned and maintained by the District once it has been certified complete by the District. The main sizing within the District, sized to provide reclaimed water to the lot boundaries and common areas, will be required to be designed and constructed based on the MUP. Exhibit 8, Reclaimed Water Distribution System Map, provides a graphical representation of the proposed system within the District. 5.4.4 Wastewater System The District will fund the construction of the gravity sewer, force main, and lift station infrastructure within the District and those portions required to connect to existing or proposed offsite facilities. The wastewater system will be conveyed to, and owned and maintained by 1WA once it has been certified complete by the District. The main sizing and lift stations within the District, sized to provide wastewater service to the residents of the District, will be required to be designed and constructed based on the MUP. Exhibit 9, Wastewater System Map, provides a graphical representation of the proposed system within the District. 5.4.5 Landscape & Hardscspe The landscaping and irrigation of the primary roadways will provide the "first impression" of the Development. The District will fund landscape and hardscape construction and maintenance within common areas which may include perimeter landscape buffers, master signage, way finding signage, entry hardscape features, entry landscape, amenity area landscape and hardscape, pedestrian/multi-purpose trails, and street trees. The District willown and maintain foregoing improvements. 5.4.6 ElectricalDistribution endStreetlights Most, if not all, District constructed Master Infrastructure will include underground electric and street lighting. The street lighting system will be constructed in cooperation with Osceola County, Duke Energy and the Developer. The District will fund the cost to trench the underground installation only. Leasing and monthly service charges associated with the upgraded street lighting fixtures along District owned and maintained roadways within the District are the responsibilities of others. Duke Energy and the appropriate community entity will own and maintain the electric and street light infrastructure. 5.5 Professional andInspection Fees Design, permitting and construction for the proposed District Capital Improvement Plan, professional services are required by various consultants. The consultants required are: civil engineer, geotechnical, planner, environmental, surveying, and landscape architect. During construction, the various permitting agencies will observe and inspect the project. Each of the agencies will charge an inspection fee to cover the costs associated with an inspector visiting the site to observe construction progress and confirm that the project is constructed in accordance with their respective approved plans, permits, rules, and regulations. The Professional Services and Inspections Fees are included as Soft Costs for the District Capital Tmprovement Plan. z:\2015\1S-114 khovmysric d'Jnes\pm\cdd\2017-04-27 cddeogit::eers report.docx Page90fU Windward Community Development District Engineer's Report for Capital Improvements Section 60wnersllip andMaintenance Proposed District Capital Ownership Maintenance .E~p:?~~ents Plan Onsite Roadway & Alley Improvements County/District County/District Offsite Roadway Improvements County County Master Stormwater Management System District District Potable Water Distribution System TWA TWA Sanitary Sewer System TWA TWA Reclaimed Water Distribution System District District Landscaping, Irrigation and Signage District District Electrical Distribution & Street Lights Duke Energy/District Duke Energy/District Section 7 Roadway Rights-of.Way, Storrnwatcr Management Ponds and Other Open Spaces Real property interests for lands within the District needed for construction, operation, and maintenance of District facilities will be conveyed and/or dedicated by the owner thereof to the District or other Public entity at no cost. Section 8 Estimate ofProbable Capital Improvement Costs The Estimate of Probable Capital Improvement Plan Costs is provided in Exhibit 12 Design costs associated with the improvements herein before described have been estimated based on the best available information. Other soft costs include portions of the wetland/permit surveying, design and engineering for allof the described work, regulatory permitting and materials testing. Last, a reasonable project contingency estimate has been included utilizing rounding factors. Please note that the costs are preliminary in nature and subject to change based on final engineering, permitting, and changes in construction cost due to market fluctuation. Section 9 Conclusions and Summary Opinion The Capital Improvement Plan as described are necessary for the functional development of the property within the District as required by the applicable local governmental agencies. The planning and design of the infrastructure will be in accordance with current governmental regulatory requirements. The public infrastructure as described in this Report will serve its intended function provided the construction is in substantial compliance with the future design and permits which will be required by the District. In addition to the annual non-ad valorem assessments to be levied and collected to pay debt service on the proposed bonds, the District will levy and collect an annual "Operating and Maintenance" assessment to be determined, assessed and levied by the District's Board of Supervisors upon the assessable real property within the District, for the purpose of defraying the cost and expenses of maintaining District-owned improvements. The construction costs for the District's Capital Improvement Plan in this report arc based on the concept plans for the District as currently proposed. In our professional opinion, and to the best of our knowledge ,.:\2015\15-114khov my.ticdune,\pm\cdd\20n0427 edd engineers report.docx Page 10of12 Windward Community Development District Engineer's Report for Capital Improvements and belief, the costs provided herein for the District are reasonable to complete the construction of the infrastructure improvements described herein. All of the proposed infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan costs are public improvements or community facilities as set forth in sections 190.012(1) and (2) of the Florida Statutes. The summary of probable infrastructure construction costs is only an 0p1Illon and not a guaranteed maximum price. Historical costs, actual bids and information from other professionals or contractors have been used in the preparation of this report. Contractors who have contributed in providing the cost data included in this report are reputable entities with experience in Central Florida. It is therefore our opinion that the construction of the proposed District Capital Improvement Plan can he completed at the costs as stated. The labor market, future costs of equipment and materials, increased regulatory actions and requirements, and the actual construction process are all beyond our control. Due to this inherent opportunity for fluctuation in cost, the total final cost may be more or less than this opinion. As District Engineer: Poulos & Bennett, LLC David M. Kelly, PE, CFM State of Florida Professional Engineer No. 43325 ,,\2015\ 15-114 khovrnysric dlJnes\pm\cdd\20J7.04·27 cddengineer.; reportdocx Page 11 of 12 Windward Community Development District Engineers Report for Capital Improvements Appendix z:\2015\1>'114khov mystic dUrles\pm\cdd\2017-04-27edd engineer> reportdocx Page 12of12 is S' :0 ~~:il~ ~ ~ is S' :0 ~~:il~ ~ ~ t~.n. >t~} (,{" ~'..' ~C.,\I;J e 2017HERE C> ANDC> 2017MicrosoftCorpalltion 2500 0 *2500 5000 \iiiiil""'Sii I SCAL£ IN FEET .........,p!Nlo~'n&ecwtn.~vm asoa F~ 1"~",,Pll'Jll Sl J;l!'l.U~1)' ~I, 2017 Crrti6~1'" ofAU.tbCllill1X,f1 N~ 2856i Exhibir2 14 ..,_ OrlaJOdu.f'1orid.):!AO~·40'7.487.2'~ ~. do: fl'ho,' is-I)-4 -........ --., :aa-~e=i::~~t~~=!:::a..:.T:,.lOIH.~ .............. ,~.,......, ~,.~ ~.r~ ............. _ .. 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